September 11, 2023
NBC Launches Fall Basketball Varsity Academy in Eugene, OR
NBC Eugene Varsity Academy Fall Session for athletes 14 - 18 years old starts October 8 at Manna House Christian Academy located in Eugene, Oregon. Varsity Academy is a great opportunity to improve your game in a challenging and encouraging setting. Fall Session meets Sunday afternoons from October 8 - November 12. The teaching focus for Fall VA is to get you mentally and physically prepared for the basketball season. We aim to help you increase your confidence to help you be the best you can be for your team. Get serious about your training and come to Varsity Academy at Menno Simons.
High School Elite is designed for high school athletes. This program is set up to challenge advanced players and will teach skills appropriate for the high school player. Intensity and competition will be high priorities. The Fall program is specifically designed to help prepare you for basketball season. Freshman-Senior athletes may enroll. Younger athletes will be accepted at the discretion of the VA staff. This program is designed for the older and more skilled high school age players. Teaching takes place primarily through competitive games and structured, organized play. D1 meets from 2:00 - 4:00PM. Register Now
About NBC Basketball Camps
NBC Camps is one of the largest overnight basketball programs in the world located in 16 states and 6 countries. Since 1971, NBC Camps has been on a mission to help athletes be stronger on and off the court. For more information about NBC Camps, please visit their website at