NBC Boys Basketball Tour Team to the UK
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Our high school boys travel team is headed to the United Kingdom this summer to play basketball, explore new places, meet new friends from all over the world, and grow into a better leader and athlete. The NBC UK Boys Travel Team is preparing for an amazing tour in our 45th season of sending teams overseas!
Travel on this team is by application only and is based on athlete's talent and character. If you would like to apply for this tour, you can complete the 2025 NBC Travel Team Application Packet below.
Highlights Include
- Basketball exhibition games and tournaments throughout the UK
- 3 day intensive and fun Training Camp at the beginning of tour
- Check out sights such as the London Eye, Big Ben and St. Pauls
- Team leadership training
- Compete with amazing teammates from the US and Canada
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Camp Details
Boys Travel Team to the United Kingdom
Dates: June 30-July 11, 2025
Age Group: Boys ages 14-17
Total Cost: $1,500 USD Deposit, Total Tuition $6,650 USD (includes deposit)
Every year NBC selects athletes who demonstrate exceptional skill and outstanding character to represent NBC Camps playing basketball on an NBC Travel Team. Athletes that are nominated by their NBC coaches at a camp will be invited to apply for tour. High school coaches and club team coaches may also submit a nomination for an athlete based on ability and attitude. You must be 14 years or older by June 1, 2025 to participate in 2025 Travel Teams.
In order to apply, athletes must complete the 2025 Travel Team Application Packet which includes: Athlete Application form, 2 completed Confidential Reference forms, Parent/Guardian Recommendation form, and schedule/complete a phone interview with the NBC Travel Team Director. The $1,500 non-refundable deposit is due once an athlete is accepted onto an NBC Travel Team.
This packet contains all forms needed to apply for a 2025 NBC Travel Team.
QUESTIONS? 800-406-3926 ext 135 or email travelteams@nbccamps.com
Show Less See More Camp DetailsTOUR DETAILS
The tour begins with training camp which is held before the team leaves for the United Kingdom. Training camp is located near Seattle, WA and is required for all travel team athletes as it is an important time for teammates to get to know each other and prepare to compete overseas. Included in the cost for tour is all lodging, two meals per day, sightseeing, local guide/coordinator, ground transportation, uniforms, and a travel bag with athlete journal. You will have the opportunity to meet peers from around the world and to grow as a person and athlete. This is a great opportunity to study history first hand and gain a global perspective while playing the sport you love.
NBC Travel Teams have been sending out teams from our camps for over forty years, in over 20 countries. NBC Travel Teams aim to give athletes a transformative experience with good mentorship and friendships, new cultural experiences, and international competition. Travel teams strive to:
- Provide an environment for athletes to grow in life, faith, and leadership skills
- Improve athletic skills through a broad level of competition
- Promote international goodwill and perspective
Sample Daily Schedule
- 8:00AM Breakfast at hotel
- 8:45AM Team meeting to prepare for the day
- 9:30AM Hyde Park- Team devotion time and leadership journal
- 11:00AM Buckingham Palace for the Changing of the Guards
- 1:00PM Team Lunch and more sightseeing around London (Big Ben and the London Eye)
- 5:00PM Basketball Game against local team
- 7:30PM Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe
- 9:30PM Team meeting at hotel, check in with family, down time
- 11:00PM Lights out
Camp Questions & Answers
Training camp takes place at the start of tour and is most often hosted at Black Diamond Camps in Auburn, WA. Training camp is an opportunity for the team to practice and prepare for their time playing together overseas. The team will be challenged through high ropes elements, group development activities, and around four practices throughout camp. Think summer camp meets NBC - campfires, high ropes course, team games, and basketball. NBC staff and travel team coaches will provide travel safety training and leadership training as well. Training camp starts on the first day of the listed tour dates and is an intensive 2-3 day experience before the team departs for the trip!
Because athletes are from all over the U.S. and Canada, there are no tryouts or practices leading up to tour. Athletes should arrive in shape and ready to play at training camp so the team can be prepared to play together overseas.
The tuition for an NBC Travel Team includes: Training Camp, team transportation to the airport, team international flights, all lodging and international transportation, 2 meals/day, sightseeing activities, a local guide, game/tournament fee’s, and an athlete gear pack which includes a uniform, sweats, a sweatshirt, t-shirts and NBC Travel Team leadership workbook. Not included in tuition: transportation to/from Seattle, WA for tour, passport application fee’s, travel insurance. NBC has lot’s of fundraising ideas, please email the director at travelteams@nbccamps.com for ideas and more information if finances are a concern for your athlete to participate on a travel team.
Camp Reviews
Submit a reviewOverall Average Rating
Great group of guys who I have become really close with. I appreciate the opportunity to play in a new place and learning new things.
— Naveen N.
Best Experience
This trip was amazing for me. The best basketball experience of my life. So many good memories were made and the basketball was fun.
— Jack R.
Life Changing
Amazing growth on and off the courtI just wanted to shoot you a quick note to thank you again for all your hard work in making this UK tour possible. Our team was a great representation of our country and NBC Camps. It was a blessing to see the growth (on and off the court) of each player throughout the 10 day trip. I'm extremely lucky to have been a part of this great experience... I'm walking away with so many memories and friendships.
— Zac Kingma
This experience was great! I learned a lot about UK history and made a lot of new friends.
— Eli D.
Learning Experience
This trip allowed me to create great memories, meet new people and to learn more about myself. The people here motivated me and lifted me up throughout the whole experience.
— Kyler S
Grateful to have participated
I learned how to be responsible and be a good leader. This tour was so awesome and I am so grateful I was able to participate.
— Bridger L.
This trip was perfect! It was incredible! This was a very humbling and unbelievable experience.
— Dawson K
Absolutely Amazing
Seeing St. Paul's Cathederal and tower of London was absolutely amazing. This tour was a blast from start to finish.
— Carl C
Unforgettable Highlights and growth
Some of my tour highlights were seeing the Crown Jewels and then close games in Liverpool and London. It was fun and hopefully has evolved me as a person. The coaches insights were good and this is something I will never forget.
— Jack P.
Great trip
It was a great trip. One of my favorite parts was going to a different restaurant every day and trying different food. I learned that you need to be grateful for people you meet and new friends.
— Xanto R.
Enjoyed everything about the trip. It was very awesome!
— Drew C
Worked Hard
I loved working with my mom preparing for the tour. It was great! I love working as a team.
— Oswald M
The tour was excellent. I made memories that will last a lifetime and am extremely grateful for my coaches, who helped me grow both as a person and as a basketball player.
— Cole S.
Best experience of my life
One of, if not the best, experiences of my life so far. I made lots of new friends and I loved seeing lots of new things and getting better too.
— Karden B.
Loved tour
My biggest blessing on tour was just being able to even go on tour. I loved it!
— Jamie A.
Camp Coaches
Travel Team Director Breanna Lyons
For questions on this tour please contact Breanna at travelteams@nbccamps.com or 1-800-406-3926 ext. 135