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December 08, 2022   |   Tagged Motivation,

Sustainable Habits 101

Alaska volleyball camps

“Every action is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” James Clear

At NBC Volleyball we believe your habits reveal your future. There is tremendous research available on how to build sustainable habits. Here are some great reminders for this month.

What is a habit?
Habits allow you to effortlessly overcome repetitious problems and obstacles. Habits are consistent actions that lead to who you are as a person.

Life takes energy, and your habits provide you with tools to conserve as well as channel your energy.

What is a bad habit?
Habits emerge out of necessity. A “bad” habit means the body has found the quickest, easiest, or most natural way to solve a problem. The habit emerged from a real need, most often the need for comfort. Bad habits are ones we feel block us from being our best and achieving our goals.

What is a good habit?
Habits we feel good about move us to bigger dreams and goals for our lives. Good habits help us live better.

Consistency reveals your habits
Notice what you consistently do daily. These are your habits. Habit comes from the word “to dwell or reside in.” Your house provides you with a routine based on its emphasis. Studying on a cozy comfortable couch typically yields different outcomes than studying at a chair and desk. Eating lots of sugar every day has a different outcome than eating veggies every day.

Start with Your Big Dreams
Define your big dreams. Who do you want to be?

A few ideas: A student-athlete, an incredible parent, a devoted person of faith, an intentional friend, a person of peace, a mathematical wizard, or a skillful employee.

Once this has been identified, you can begin to imagine the daily habits of this person and the system in which they conduct their daily actions.

For example, one Division 1 Beach Volleyball athlete worked for 18 months on her vertical. She developed her plan and now has a 32-inch vertical.

The incomparable Maya Angelou believed so much in the power of words, she created habits of peace. In her home, she allowed no negative words, news, or information. Her home was a disciplined sanctuary of peace. She created a system of daily habits of peaceful living.

Arrange Your Environment to Match the Action, not the Motion
People get mesmerized by the motion of their role models - their shoes, their toys, their playlists. This is motion but not action. Actions are the actual work habits done to create the person. Shoes don’t make the athlete, the daily work ethic does.

Arrange your day and your home environment to promote the habits you want for your life and eliminate the habits you don’t want in your life. For example, if you struggle frittering away time on social media, create a plan to put your phone in a certain spot after you come home and make it difficult to get the phone without effort. Have other activities you would rather do instead of looking at your phone. When you feel compelled to get your phone, ask yourself:

  • What am I feeling right now, and can I notice my emotion?
  • Why do I need or want my phone right this minute?
  • Can I delay my need for the phone and do something on the list that I said I wanted to do instead of wasting time on the phone?

NBC Volleyball began in 1979 and is one of the largest, most-respected volleyball camps in the USA. These overnight camps are very intensive, and athletes play 6-10 hours per day. The day camp programs are more conducive for beginning athletes. For more information about NBC Volleyball, visit www.nbcvolleyball.com.

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