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September 13, 2024   |   Tagged Coaching,

Have more peace this basketball season

Coaching chemistry

Coaching with Inner Peace

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, your team, and your family is inner peace. When you are anxious, stressed, unfocused, or angry everyone around you suffers. It is easy to blame circumstances but ultimately, each of us must handle our inner well-being. History is full of examples of people living with anxiety in the poshest circumstances in contrast to people living with inner peace in the middle of poverty, war, and violence. Inner peace is a discipline and a daily decision.

Inner Peace Timeout
How are you doing right now?
How fixated are you on your season?
Can you be fully present when you are around your family?
Can you let the game go every day for a while and be present to those who need you?

One of the biggest mistakes coaches and players inevitably fall into is making their season their identity. You are not your season. You are a leader to help your team navigate the good and the difficult. Your inner peace is the best wisdom and guidance your team needs.

What changes can you make right now to give yourself more inner peace?

Here are a few quick hitters:

  • Set your phone’s timer throughout your day and stop to count your blessings.
  • Write five things you’re thankful for each day.
  • Write one letter of thanks weekly.
  • Call someone totally unconnected to your program and thank them for their friendship.
  • Partition out time that you do not think about your season each day.
  • Unplug and spend time in prayer.
  • Pray for others in need.
  • Stop and look at each person in your family.
  • Mentally be as attentive as possible.
  • Focus on ways you can love and serve others in meaningful ways.
  • Where do you find your inner peace? One of the best places is through a personal relationships with God through His Son Jesus. He promises inner peace to all who trust Him.
  • Peace is a discipline just like any other discipline. Make it a habit. Speak peace, think peace, act peace and you will be known for inner peace.

About NBC Basketball Camps
Since 1971, NBC Basketball has been building training programs for student-athletes which focus on the total person: mind, body, spirit. NBC Camps combines world class positive psychologies with the power of personal faith to help athletes achieve success on and off the court. For more information visit www.nbccamps.com.

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