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“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter trials of various kinds, knowing
EQ, otherwise known as Emotional Intelligence, is a game changer and has been a foundational teachin
Becoming great at basketball requires you to have willpower. It's easy to assume we know what that m
Here are the big three devastating dangers that can destroy you and your basketball team. Be vigilan
Being a parent is one of the most important opportunities in life. Take a minute to see if you are i
What skill do you need the most this summer for 2023? You need tenacity, grit, -- you need mental to
Inspiration is fantastic. It causes shooters to catch fire. It leads teams to play in the zone. It l
“Instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage you, let them inspire you.” Inspiration
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Check out this basketball brain test to measure your mental toughness on and off the basketball cour
If you need more assistance, just give us a callat 1-800-406-3926 we would be happy to help!