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The average person and the average family are under a great deal of stress and pressure created by t
Having been a part of multiple college basketball programs, one thing I know is true: a head coach i
It seems logical that as a basketball coach you should point out all your team’s weaknesses, identif
The best basketball coaches are those who value the intrinsic opportunities of coaching, one of the
Intrinsic is a cornerstone of the teaching philosophy of NBC Camps. It’s been a bedrock for us since
How to Improve Intrinsic Motivation in yourself and those you lead. Motivate means literally to move
There is a fantastic article in Sports Illustrated entitled Score Card by David Epstein which talks
The hard truth is that players emulate their leadership. Take a look at the ways you lead your team.
All coaches want a successful basketball season and research has proven productivity and long-term s
If you value yourself based on what you do rather than who you are, you are going to encounter heart
If you need more assistance, just give us a callat 1-800-406-3926 we would be happy to help!