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March 13, 2019   |   Tagged Coaching,

Recommendations After a Disappointing Basketball Season

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Recommendations for recovery after a disappointing basketball season

The magic of basketball is exhilarating while the misery of basketball is tough. You hit the big shot, your team moves on to the finals, you get in a zone, you feel unstoppable. On the other hand, you lose, you feel pain, you get injured, you can’t get a bucket or even a break, and you feel depressed. If you are in this second category, here are some key ways to renovate your season.

Don’t make major decisions when you are down. Pain, frustration, and discouragement are bad counselors and can lead you to a poor decision. Commit to always making big decisions when your emotions and your mood have moved to a place of peace and gratitude. If you feel down, work to move your mood first before you make a significant life or sports decision.

Hope brings energy for change. Without hope and positivity, the mind struggles to find options and innovative ideas. As the mind gets more discouraged, the less imaginative it becomes, which leads to less options and more feelings of hopelessness, which leads to more discouragement.

Take time to think outside the box. Once you have elevated your gratitude, attitude, mindset and mood, it’s time to put pen to paper and start thinking big. Brainstorming is an effective way to generate new ideas on how to improve your basketball future.

“Whatever good things we build end up building us.”

About NBC Basketball

NBC Basketball Camps began in 1971 and have been training athletes to compete with their hearts and minds for close to 50 years. Located in 6 countries, NBC Basketball focuses on skill mastery, understanding of the game, mental toughness, positive attitude, servant leadership and personal faith. NBC stands for Nothing Beats Commitment and the belief that daily habits reveal a person's future. For more information about NBC Basketball visit www.nbccamps.com/basketball

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